OUR Emblem

Symbol is a prime delineation of an individual entity. The symbol of the  NCRS Radhamadhab Sevasaram is “ Dancing Peacock” . The significance of the symbol is enthralling towards the charitable trust like us which strikingly conjugate the affirmation within the people.
A peacock only sways spreading wings in delight. A peacock sways in glee when it sees lord Krishna infront of its eyes. With the presence of thunder & lightening , the dancing of the duo in Vrindaban mesmerizes the heavenly bliss as an extrinsic gesture of Peacock where the supreme soul Krishna is submerged with the living soul Radha creating the “promised land”.  We here by collocate our expedition to be the most enigmatic with the combination of the servant & the served.
No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.