“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” 

Sri Chaitanyo Consciousness is highly eulogized & memorialized by the destined son of Kotolpur Sri Govinda Ch. Sastri who wanted to décor a shelter with branches & leaves that can be anyone’s “ Home Of Trust”.  The dream of our Respected Pandit Ji’ is the vision of NCRS in real time. As a receptacle & conveyer of Sri Chaitanyo in subsequent years Shril Radharaman Chorondas Deb, Sripad Ramdas Babaji Maharaj & more later we receive the presence of  Sri Govinda Sastri. For the uttermost Welfare of our nation he escorts Sripad Ramdas Babaji to Kotolpur. With the presence of Sri Ramdas Babaji the whole land of Kotulpur becomes spiritually blessed & enriched. On this sacred land NCRS has been built up in the year of 200o as a charitable Trust.
We all are determined & united to make our Panditji’s dream into an accomplished gesture of fulfillment.
Every year our organization assembles handicapped, children, Women Welfare education, Health & other holistic activities
We believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings.
Therefore Light Tomorrow with today.